Found 13 Knowledge Bank Items tagged with manchester
Forever Manchester Blog
Forever Manchester is a brand new fundraising initiative from The Community Foundation for Greater Manchester. It’s a collective of people who love Greater Manchester ...
Greater Manchester Strategy
This strategy for 2020 is Greater Manchester’s blueprint to reinvigorate the zeal and energy that forged a global industrial revolution, this time based around a...
Manchester Independent Economic Review
The Manchester Independent Economic Review (MIER) is believed to be the first independent economic review of a city-region. Launched in June 2009, the Review provided ...
Manchester Innovation Investment Fund Flyer
An introduction to the Manchseter Innovation Investment Fund including the context of why Manchester, why now, who the Fund partners are, the type of projects that wil...
Creating an Ideopolis, The Work Foundation
This independent report, sponsored by Manchester City Council, builds on The Work Foundation’s findings in “Ideopolis: Knowledge City-Regions”. It fo...
Manchester: Knowledge Capital Prospectus
The original Manchester: Knowledge Capital gives a 2004 picture of the city-region’s ambition. It’s focused on realising Manchester’s full economic potenti...
Original Modern - Manchester's Journey to Innovation
Original Modern – Manchester’s journey to innovation and growth written by Charles Leadbeater The UK’s cities face a stark challenge. Reinventing themselves to f...
The Innovation Manchester Boardroom Paper
This paper gives you some the thinking behind the Innovation Manchester Boardroom – the theory of how connectivity impacts on innovation, how M:KC will make the Boardr...
Manchester Science City Prospectus
This sets out the Manchester: Knowledge Capital vision to support Manchester’s status, designated by UK government, as a Science City. The vision was developed in 2005...
Innovation Prospectus
The Innovation Prospectus was devised in 2009 by M:KC on behalf of the Manchester City Region’s local authorities. The document sets out a high-level view of the...